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HEAL Program

A Container in which you Learn to love and accept all the parts of you unconditionally. 

MEet Your Guides


Lena Viktoria FrenzeL

Lena Viktoria Frenzel, is a coach and the founder of Lucid Achievement ( based out of Laguna Beach, California.


She is a former marketing executive working with companies like Google, Nike, and Facebook. Lena has been transforming high-achieving individuals and businesses for the past five years.


Coming from a difficult childhood, she immigrated to the United States by herself at the age of 23.

She understands that in order to solve any problems, one has to address them not just externally but internally first. She takes a systemic approach and facilitates her clients to reprogram the psychological root causes that limit their capacity to achieve their vision.


Using a mix of self-inquiry, parts work, and enhancing clarity on her client's goals, she is revealing limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns, which liberates her clients to step into a path full of unconditional love, acceptance, integrity, and freedom.

ERica Wright

The quality of your relationship with yourself determines the quality of your relationship with the people you love most. 

As a Relationship Coach & Couple's Communication Specialist, Erica works with both couples and individuals so help them learn the magic of Connected Communication so they feel seen, heard, understood, emotionally safe, deeply cared for and loved. 

Erica's mission is to give people the tools they need to talk about even the most difficult subjects with their partner or family members. When two people can discuss absolutely anything, without blowing up or shutting down, ANYTHING is possible, nothing can stop you and your relationship will be UN-MESS-WITH-ABLE.

Erica is dedicated to guiding others to creating their own internal peace so that they can bring that peaceful, warm, loving energy to their external relationships, family, community and life. As within, so without. 

Watch a Sample HEAL METHOD Session 

What's included?


Access to New Weekly Guided Meditations


Access to New Weekly Transformational Experiences You can do on your own


Bi-Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching


Get a weekly Group Call in a smaller intimate Group


Access to Private FAcebook Group


Personalized Monday Morning Inspiration Downloads
Anchor 2

Plan Options

1-on-1 Sessions

Bi-Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching

24/7 Group Support & Chat


HEal Community Membership

Bi-Weekly 1-on-1 Coaching

Weekly Group Call

24/7 Group Support & Chat

In this Program You will Learn How To


Sample Workshop Replay

Anchor 1

Keep Me in The LOOP


“After my first Parts Work session I was blown away and so incredibly relieved to know that my Higher Self energy is actually there and accessible to me. The biggest relief was being able to separate my Angry & Defensive Part from my core, true Self. Just having a little bit of separation from my SELF and my PARTS has allowed me to have so much self-compassion and self-love for certain behaviors that I used to be so ashamed of.”


“I feel SO much lighter and happier. It’s like the armor I was wearing of sadness, anxiety and depression has been lifted.”


“I’ve never felt this good in my entire life. This whole time I’ve been searching for connection and love outside of myself (with romantic partners) and never getting what I really needed. I had NO idea I could connect so deeply and lovingly with MYSELF. I had no idea I could give myself the love, attention, affection, validation, and understanding I’ve been desperately trying to get from my partner.”

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